Expedicion simulada a Marte...

On simulated Mars mission, sleep becomes crucial issue

Scientists study six astronauts in a faux spacecraft for 17 months. Most experienced some trouble sleeping — a problem that could be disastrous on a real mission.

January 08, 2013|By Rosie Mestel, Los Angeles Times 
If humans ever journey to Mars, they will face an array of challenges: assault by cosmic rays, the erosion of bone mass and more subtle problems that could disrupt a mission's success. Now experiments from an audacious, 17-month-long simulation of a trip to Mars and back show that the ability to concentrate and work together may decay unless preventive steps are taken to maintain sleep quality. 

On simulated Mars mission, sleep becomes crucial issue - Los ...

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Rosie Mestel
de Rosie Mestel - en 38 círculos de Google+
08/01/2013 – If humans ever journey to Mars, they will face an array of ... YOU ARE HERE: LAT Home→Collections→News ... Now experiments from an audacious, 17-month-long simulation of a trip to Mars and back show that the ability to ...

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